Adobe FrameMaker Level 1 (Basic)
What You'll Learn in Adobe FrameMaker Level 1 (Basic)
Course Length
Learning Objectives
- Defining Paragraph Formats
- Defining Colour and Character Formats
- Design and Create Page Layout
- Working with Graphics
- Document Editing
- Managing Tables
Target Student
This course is designed for new to intermediate users of Adobe FrameMaker, users who need to learn and apply the most important features of the software and users that need to improve their skills or gain a better understanding of FrameMaker.
Course Outline
Defining Paragraph Formats
Learn how to create a document from scratch and how to define paragraph formats with the Paragraph Designer.
Defining Colour and Character Formats
Learn how to add colour and inline formatting with the Character Designer.
Page Layout
Define running headers and footers that pull live data off the page and update with document editing.
Add imported images and FrameMaker-drawn graphics to your chapter’s running heads.
Document Editing
Explore user variables, spell-check, thesaurus, extended characters, and more.
Easily one of the most powerful features of FrameMaker - learn to define table formats with Table Designer to quickly and accurately format and update multiple tables.

Delivered by Our Trusted Partner Amananet

Adobe FrameMaker Level 1 (Basic)
Upcoming Classes
All Public classes are held onlinewith a live instructor
Dates | Price | Qty |
April 15-16, 2025 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET | $1,210.00 Online | |
May 27-28, 2025 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET | $1,210.00 Online |
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All of our courses include
PDF Reference Guide
Want a summary of what you’ve learned? Save paper and use your PDF Reference Guide, accessible on any of your devices.
Certificate of Completion
Boost your credentials with a Certificate of Completion, confirming the skills you’ve acquired with us.
Access to Your Recorded Session for 60 days
Go back to the features you learned time and time again – you will have access to your recorded session for 60 days