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Inspire and Deliver Great Presentations

What You'll Learn in Inspire and Deliver Great Presentations

Course Length

6 hours (1 day)

Learning Objectives

  • Feel motivated and clear on what and how to present
  • Develop methods to feel calm and confident
  • Set the tone with purpose, intention, and engagement
  • Use influencing skills to inspire action
  • Use communication skills that support the delivery
  • Manage challenging questions and dynamics
  • Use body language, voice, and facial expressions that are bigger than your slides
  • Use Hollywood tips - acting techniques to build your presence and move others

Target Student

This course is designed for anyone who delivers presentations and who wishes to develop the necessary skills to improve their presence, influencing, and communication skills.

Course Outline

This course is more than presentation skills. Participants will understand how to influence others using their content, words, intentions, and presence. Techniques are short term because we often go back to customary habits. This hands-on course will have participants practicing and developing their abilities into new skills. Presentations will now be engaging and clear and the call to action more compelling.


Section 1: Start Strong and Thoughtfully

How to Set the Tone

How to Feel

Be Clear of the Purpose

Section 2: What Hooks Your Audience?

What Do They Need to Know?

What Should They Be Thinking?

What Could They Be Feeling?

Why Is This Important to Them?

Practice Opening

Section 3: What Are Your Objectives?

What Do You Want People to Do at the End of This Presentation?

What Do You Want to Achieve?

Section 4: How to Communicate the Message

Voice Pitch, Pace, Tone

Body Language, Facial Expression

Get Out of Your Own Way: Self-Talk

Practice Delivery Style

Section 5: Influencing Skills

How to Shift Others’ Behaviours and Ideas

When to Transition to Persuasion

Section 6: Managing Emotions

Dealing with Nerves

Understanding Others’ Emotions

QTIP (Quit Taking It Personally)


Section 7: Workshop Wrap-Up

Final Skills Review

Ask Questions

Fill Out a Personal Action Plan

A seal with “Guaranteed to Run” written on it. In the middle is a person giving a thumbs up, standing behind a checkmark

Delivered by Great Canadian Training

Inspire and Deliver Great Presentations

Upcoming Classes

All Public classes are held online
with a live instructor
Dates Price Qty
September 4, 2025
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM ET
$595.00 Online
January 6, 2026
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM ET
$595.00 Online
* Applicable taxes will be applied on checkout

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The Great Canadian Training & Consulting Company Advantage

When you train with us, your training will not just check a box. We make sure it is GREAT!

  • Experienced Trainers
  • Learn or Come Back Free Policy on Public Classes
  • 24/7 After Training Support

All of our courses include

PDF Reference Guide

Want a summary of what you’ve learned? Save paper and use your PDF Reference Guide, accessible on any of your devices.

Certificate of Completion

Boost your credentials with a Certificate of Completion, confirming the skills you’ve acquired with us.

24/7 After-Training Support

Receive a 30-day after-training support voucher, offering assistance as you apply your new skills on the job. Need help with a specific step? We’re here to provide extra support and clarity even after you’ve left the class!

Want even more?
Check out our add-ons

Printed Reference Guide

While we love technology, we understand that there is something about having a paper copy. Add a printed reference guide to your training, which we will have shipped to your location.

Extended After-Training Support

Extend your support beyond the standard 30 days for ongoing assistance.

Can I customize my course?

Customized to meet your unique needs

We can customize your training to fit your exact needs, whether it's making small adjustments or creating entirely new courses. From setting specific objectives and including your own files to addressing unique challenges, we're here to help. We can even tailor the training to align more closely with how you work and to fit perfectly into your schedule. Our goal is to provide training that's as unique as your goals.

Access to your recorded session for 60 days

You can request your private session be recorded. You can have access for 60 days to revisit what you’ve learned.