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Microsoft Visio Level 1 (Basic)
(2013, 2016, 2019, 2021, 365)

What You'll Learn in Microsoft Visio Level 1 (Basic)

Course Length:

6 hours (1 day)

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, users should be comfortable with navigating the Visio interface and creating a basic diagram. You will learn how to find help, how to work with various shapes and styles, and how to modify themes and variants. Finally, you should be able to effectively share drawings with OneDrive, export drawings to other formats, and print your drawings. You will:

  • Navigate the Visio environment
  • Create a basic drawing
  • Use the Help system
  • Use drawing components
  • Modify a drawing
  • Work with callouts and groups
  • Work with shape styles
  • Use 3D shapes
  • Apply backgrounds, borders, and titles
  • Make a basic floor plan
  • Model a room layout
  • Review drawings
  • Insert drawings into Microsoft Office files
  • Export drawings
  • Print drawings
  • Modify shape and connector styles
  • Work with themes and variants
  • Work with containers

Target Student

This course is intended to help all novice computer users get up to speed quickly with Microsoft Visio. We will cover different features of the program and the interface, show you how to find help, explore some simple scenarios, and cover the basics of how to use shapes and create diagrams.

Course Outline

Section 1: Getting Started with Visio

Understand Stencils, Shapes, Connectors and Templates

Explore the Visio Interface

Create New Blank Drawings

Use Help


Section 2: Creating a Workflow Diagram

Work with the Shapes Pane

Stencil and Shape Management

Search for Shapes

Select, Move, Resize, Duplicate, and Delete Shapes

Connect Shapes


Section 3: Working with Callouts and Groups

About Callouts and Groups

Insert and Modify Callouts

Create and Modify Groups


Section 4: Enhancing the Look of Drawings

Work with Shape Styles

2D vs. 3D Shapes

Format and Rotate Shapes

Apply Backgrounds, Borders and Titles


Section 5: Making a Floor Plan

Create a Basic Floor Plan

Adjust Drawing Scale

Create Custom Room Shapes

Model a Room Layout


Section 6: Styling a Diagram

Change the Shape Style

Modify the Connector Style

Work with Themes and Variants

Apply a Page Background

Add Borders and Titles


Section 7: Working with Containers

Add and Modify Containers

Format the Container Style

Resize Containers

Disband Containers


Section 8: Sharing Drawings

Add, Edit, and Delete Comments

Mark Up a Diagram with Ink

Insert Drawings into Other Office Files

Export Drawings

Print Drawings


A seal with “Guaranteed to Run” written on it. In the middle is a person giving a thumbs up, standing behind a checkmark

Microsoft Visio Level 1 (Basic)

Upcoming Classes

All Public classes are held online
with a live instructor
Dates Price Qty
November 13, 2024
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM ET
$375.00 Online
February 6, 2025
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM ET
$375.00 Online
September 3, 2025
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM ET
$375.00 Online
* Applicable taxes will be applied on checkout

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  • Experienced Trainers
  • Learn or Come Back Free Policy on Public Classes
  • 24/7 After Training Support

All of our courses include:

PDF Reference Guide

Want a summary of what you’ve learned? Save paper and use your PDF Reference Guide, accessible on any of your devices.

24/7 After-Training Support

Receive a 30-day after-training support voucher, offering assistance as you apply your new skills on the job. Need help with a specific step? We’re here to provide extra support and clarity even after you’ve left the class!

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Printed Reference Guide

While we love technology, we understand that there is something about having a paper copy. Add a printed reference guide to your training, which we will have shipped to your location.

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Use your own files instead of our exercise files

You can opt to use your working files in your private training sessions (instead of our standard exercise files). This allows you to see how the lessons apply directly to your day-to-day role and get work done while you train—a true win-win!