Creating a Learning Path That Leads to Greater Success
How invested are you in your employees and their happiness? It costs a huge amount of time and money to invest in hiring and onboarding new staff. So, if you could keep your staff engaged and happy, then you would potentially be saving a small fortune.
Here are some startling statistics about the value of employee development for you to think about[i]:
- If a company invests in employees’ careers, 94% said they would stay at the company longer.
- Retention rates are 34% higher among organizations that offer employee development opportunities.
- 76% of employees are looking for opportunities to expand their careers.
- 74% of workers say that a lack of employee development opportunities is preventing them from reaching their full potential.
And yet, despite those overwhelming figures, this is also true:
- Only 29% of organizations have a clear learning and development plan for their employees.
Do you see an opportunity here? If most of your competitors are failing to fill the needs of their workforce, then how could you capitalize on that?
You plan for so many things in business.
You recognize that it’s important to look ahead, get those forecasts, budget for the future, keep ahead of the competition. Planning for learning is just as important. Don’t just check off boxes when it comes to employee learning and development; do it with purpose.
Create a Learning Path
As you can see from the statistics above, employees are crying out for learning and development opportunities. It’s truly shocking that only 29% of organizations have a clear plan for that.
How can you begin the process of planning a meaningful learning strategy?
Assess your employees’ needs. People remember information when it’s relevant to them. So, provide the right training at the right time by analyzing what your people need to know and when they need to know it. Perhaps consider asking staff to provide preferred topics ahead of time. Then incorporate those suggestions into a predetermined plan for now and for the future. Think about this in advance of that “need to know” arising. Plan the training so that it’s ready to go at the proper time.
Identify any gaps. Evaluate the skill level of your employees ahead of time. Are there any glaring shortfalls? Will there be any new tasks or platforms introduced in the future that they should be ready for? Where is your team right now, and where do you want them to be so that they can meet your objectives?
Remember that everyone is different. Every individual has a different role, a different skill set, and a different personality. Plan for the fact that everyone is unique and has different training needs.
Find learning opportunities that will meet the needs and goals of each student. There are many ways of delivering training to your employees. Would it make the most sense to create a customized outline that focuses on the most relevant topics? What about attention spans and busy schedules? Who might benefit more from a single full day of training, and who maybe would prefer two half-days? Would your team benefit more from coaching after their training? The point is that you want to make sure your training fits your team, not the other way around.
Why We Created Learning Packages
To really build your skills, it’s sometimes hard to know what steps to take next. So, we created learning packages to help you with a plan, to allow you to show other internal stakeholders in your organization that you have a purposeful objective in using your training budget, and to enable your staff to keep learning successfully.
These handy learning packages help you take the guesswork out of determining the next progressive step in training for you and your team. Each package is designed with results in mind – to be more productive, effective, and successful.
Plus, our learning packages have extra bonuses like extended post-training support!
Our Training Packages
What are some of the benefits of our training packages? You can customize them for different participants. Our packages include some of the core topics, but also allow room for electives. Also, our live 24/7 post-training support ensures your participants can really use the skills they learn with us.
We’ve created two categories of training packages: software skills and professional skills.
In our software skills category, we currently offer two packages: one for Excel and another for the Microsoft Office suite.
We also offer two packages in our professional skills category: Facilitation & Presentation, and Leadership.
These handy learning packages help you take the guesswork out of determining the best training for your team. Each package is designed with results in mind – to be more productive, effective, and successful.
Sometimes, when your staff have completed one training course, it can be difficult to know precisely what course they should take next. The best thing to do is ask yourself what they need to do to accomplish their role at work.
Take Excel as an example. After they have completed Excel Level 2, you might assume that Excel Level 3 would be the next logical step. But is it? If they are—or will soon be—required to produce clear data visualizations, then perhaps Excel Dashboards or Charts may be a better next step for them to . (In fact, we have an entire article dedicated to helping you determine which type of Excel user you are and what kind of training would best serve you.)
If you ever find yourself wondering what your team’s training path should look like, our learning packages are a great way to plot the choices. These learning packages are specially designed to help you know where to go next once a training course has been completed. Use one of our learning packages to help develop a comprehensive, robust foundation for your team’s .
When you’re feeling stuck or unsure about creating your team’s training path, reach out to our training team. We are always happy to discuss your options and provide our expert insight on how to make the most of your training.
How to Get Started
Talk to an expert – our training management team are happy to help guide you. Our goal is to help you reach your goal. Create a learning path that truly works for your team, and that will lead them—and you—to success.
How to Get Started
Learn more about all our training options here.
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you reach your goals.
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Want to find out more about our training? Call Great Canadian Training at 416-264-6247, 613-235-6161 or 1-833-209-2624, or email us. We’re always happy to answer your questions!
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